Fungal otitis externa – causes, symptoms and treatment

Vykdydama savo misiją, MedTvoiLokony redakcinė kolegija deda visas pastangas, kad pateiktų patikimą medicininį turinį, paremtą naujausiomis mokslo žiniomis. Papildoma žyma „Patikrintas turinys“ rodo, kad straipsnį peržiūrėjo arba tiesiogiai parašė gydytojas. Šis dviejų etapų patikrinimas: medicinos žurnalistas ir gydytojas leidžia mums pateikti aukščiausios kokybės turinį, atitinkantį dabartines medicinos žinias.

Mūsų įsipareigojimą šioje srityje, be kita ko, įvertino Žurnalistų už sveikatą asociacija, „MedTvoiLokony“ redakcinei kolegijai suteikusi garbingą „Didžiojo pedagogo“ vardą.

Fungal otitis externa is associated with the presence of secretions in the external ear canal (EE) characteristic of a fungal infection. It appears due to injuries or water retention in the external auditory canal and in patients with diabetes, psoriasis or diabetes.

Fungal otitis externa – causes

Factors that cause fungal otitis externa can be:

  1. pelėsių grybai Aspergillus (A.) fumigatus, A. niger, A. flavus,
  2. į mieles panašūs grybai Candida spp,
  3. lipophilic yeasts of the genus Malassezia.

Infection of the external ear canal can occur due to trauma, water retention in the PES, and long-term use of topical and general antibiotics. The predisposing conditions are diabetes, obesity, immune defects, psoriasis and others.

Fungal otitis externa – symptoms

Infection of the outer ear caused by fungi Aspergillus occurs as erythematous-exfoliative inflammatory lesions resembling eczema or seborrheic dermatitis, often accompanied by leakage from the ear. Sometimes there are small scab ulcers; yellow, greenish or dark patches appear on the surface of the inflamed skin, depending on the species of aspergillus.

The symptoms of fungal otitis externa include:

  1. skausmas,
  2. spaudimo jausmas išorinėje ausyje,
  3. sometimes acute hearing impairment,
  4. stiprus niežėjimas.

Outer ear skin infections may be accompanied by symptoms of perchondritis. In turn, a fungal infection Candida spp. characterized by tarry, mushy discharge or erythematous skin of the external auditory canal, which may be covered with white, gray or black coating.

In both infections, the patients’ quality of life deteriorates. In the world literature there are single works on the role of Malassezia spp. In otitis externa.

Fungal otitis externa – diagnosis and treatment

In diagnostics, direct and breeding mycological tests are used. The prognosis for this ailment is generally good. Prevent recurrence by avoiding predisposing factors and treat underlying conditions for the development of fungal infections.

Treatment of fungal otitis externa is based on the use of clotrimazole and nystatin in drops or powder. General antifungal agents are recommended in cases of failure of topical treatment or in immunosuppressed patients.

DIG. G-51. Sprouting inflammation of the external auditory canal.

Skaitykite taip pat:

  1. Sisteminės mikozės – sunkus priešininkas
  2. Odos mikozė – simptomai, gydymas
  3. Išorinis otitas – gydymas, simptomai ir priežastys

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