Amenorrhea – Our doctor’s opinion

Amenorrhea – Our doctor’s opinion

Siekdama kokybės, Passeportsanté.net kviečia susipažinti su sveikatos specialisto nuomone. Dr Marc Zaffran, bendrosios praktikos gydytojas, pateikia jums savo nuomonę apieamenorėja :

Amenorrhea is a common occurrence, but most often mild, especially in women who have had their period. The first thing to think about is pregnancy, but very often amenorrhea is just a few days’ delay, not serious. The wisest attitude after taking a pregnancy test is… patience. In the absence of worrying symptoms (loss of weight or appetite, fatigue), it is not necessary to consult before having waited a few weeks.

In young women, primary amenorrhea is most often linked to delayed puberty which, in the majority of cases, is not serious: it is only if the rules have not appeared at 16 that it is necessary to consult. Prescribing treatments to “bring back your period” without first discovering the cause of the amenorrhea is not recommended.

Marcas Zaffranas, MD (Martinas Winckleris)

Amenorrhea – Our doctor’s opinion: understand everything in 2 min

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