Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

Fishing is the most common hobby of many representatives of the strong half of humanity, including fishermen from the Kirov region. The region boasts that there are about 20 thousand rivers and 4 thousand lakes. Moreover, each of these places is distinguished by its uniqueness, therefore it attracts lovers of fishing.

Pagrindiniai regiono vandens telkiniai

Vyatkos upė

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

This is one of the widest rivers that flows through the Kirov region. Many smaller rivers flow into it and, it feeds many lakes. As soon as the river is free of ice, the summer fishing period immediately begins, although fishing is prohibited until June 10, due to the start of spawning.

Crazy fishing. Catching sterlet on ancient snacks. They pulled huge ide for spinning.

Akshuben ežeras

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

It is considered one of the widest lakes in the Kirov region. Its area reaches 85 hectares. The lake is located so that it can be reached from all sides. The presence of gentle shores is conducive to the most productive and enjoyable fishing. Fish here are caught on any tackle. Especially productive fishing can be in the presence of a boat. But if you take bait with you, then fishing will definitely take place.

Šaitano ežeras

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

Which is located 230 km from Kirov and 40 km from the city of Urzhum, is considered the most mysterious and most unpredictable body of water in the Kirov region. Getting to the lake is not easy, so it is better to use an off-road vehicle. As bait, you can take the larvae of dragonflies and beetles. Perch, crucian carp and pike bite well here.

Luzos upė

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

The length of which is five hundred and seventy-four kilometers, is especially popular among anglers. Fish are caught both from the shore and from the boat. Here fishing is always productive, and the number of fish species that are found in the river can surprise any experienced angler, especially since you can even catch salmon on the river.

Vetlugos upė

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

Like the Luza River, it is not deprived of the attention of anglers. With the advent of spring, burbot is actively caught here. They catch it with bottom gear, and a dung worm is used as bait. His bite is activated at the end of May. During this period, it can be caught with a regular bait. The main prey of the river is roach and bleak, of which there are a huge number.

Kokios žuvys gaudomos Kirovo srityje

The Kirov region is characterized by the presence of various living creatures, including fish. In the reservoirs of the region, both small ruff and salmon are found. Therefore, the catch can be very diverse and surprising. In addition to wild reservoirs, fish breeding and the organization of fishing and recreation in paid reservoirs have recently been practiced.

Žuvų rūšys ir jų buveinės


Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

Ši žuvis randama Vyatkos upėje ir jos baseine. Idea turi mažą galvą, mažą burną ir didelį kūną. Žuvies spalva gali priklausyti nuo buveinės ir jos amžiaus. Todėl ide gali būti gelsvos arba pilkos spalvos, taip pat kažkas tarp šių tonų. Jis turi raudonus apatinius pelekus ir juodus viršutinius pelekus. Idea gaudoma ištisus metus, tačiau ši žuvis pavojinga, nes yra tokios ligos kaip opisthorchiazė nešiotojas.


Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

In the same river and its basin, there is such a fish as sabrefish, which in appearance resembles a medium-sized herring, although larger individuals are also found. The average weight of a sichel reaches 500 g with a length of twelve inches. The sabrefish keeps in flocks in areas with a slow current. Prefers to be constantly on the move. Although it is a tasty fish, it is rather bony.


Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

Found in the tributaries of the Kama and Vyatka rivers. Grows in length up to 0,5 meters with a weight of 1 kg.


Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

Can gain weight up to 12 kg, growing in length up to 60 inches. It is characterized by a greenish tint and location on the sides of the body from 8 to 12 stripes of dark color. The belly of the walleye is light. Pike perch feeds on small fish. It is quite rare in these places.

Žvejybos patarimai

Every fisherman, especially an experienced one with a solid fishing experience, has some secrets of fishing. This makes it possible to always be with the catch. Local anglers also have certain skills in their arsenal, which they are happy to share with other fishermen.

Pagrindiniai niuansai:

Perspektyvios vietos nustatymas

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

Most fish prefer to stay within water obstacles, both natural and artificial. Such places are interesting for fish for several reasons. Firstly, in such places you can hide from danger, and secondly, due to the presence of whirlpools, in such places the water is always saturated with oxygen.

Sugauti plėšrūną

There is one very interesting way of catching a predator when he is not very active in relation to artificial baits. In this case, a live bait is used, instead of a silicone fish, and baited on a jig head. Due to the natural smell and color, the predator is able to attack such a bait.

Įkandimo prognozė

If you take it seasonally, then the fish bite most actively in spring and autumn throughout the daylight hours. As for fishing in the summer, during this period it is better to fish early in the morning or late in the evening. The higher the water level in the reservoir, the weaker the bite, and when it is cool outside and there is a slight wind, the bite can become more active.

Rezervuarų apžvalga

Žvejyba Kuvshinskoye ežere

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

This is the deepest lake in the Kirov region, reaching a depth of about 27 meters. This lake was formed as a result of the action of underground sources, as evidenced by the presence of a large number of springs. The lake is home to a wide variety of fish, including classic river fish.

Žvejyba Vyatkos upėje

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

This is the main river of the Kirov region, where a sufficient amount of fish also lives. Fishing on the Vyatka River can be unpredictable due to the frequent change in weather conditions, when the fish go deep or hide in snags. The river is characterized by the fact that in some places the direction of the water flow changes, as a result of which whirlpools are formed, which actively saturate the water with oxygen.

Žvejyba Molomos upėje

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

This is a river with clean water. There is no fast current in the upper reaches of the river, and the river itself is characterized as calm and quiet. The river is home to bream, perch, pike and other fish.

Žvejyba Molomos upėje. Atostogos 1 dalis – KF Nr.13

Žiemos žvejybos Kirovo regione ypatybės

This type of fishing is not very popular among local fishermen due to the difficulties of access to water bodies. But if you have special equipment at your disposal, like a snowmobile, then there will be no problems with winter fishing. Of particular interest for winter fishing is Donuarovo, also located in the Kirov region.

Žvejyba Donaurove

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

Fishing is carried out on the Vyatka River, which flows near this place. It is notable for the fact that many species of fish are found in this place, but the main mass is white salmon and predatory pike. In the XNUMXs, it was an industrial forestry, but nowadays people survive by fishing and housekeeping.

Kuo įdomi žvejyba Kirovo srityje?

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

Fishing in general is an unforgettable event that brings a lot of positive emotions and fishing in the Kirov region is no exception. There are no limits on the amount of catch, but you should always fish with the knowledge of the law, and he says that large specimens of rare fish should be released.

Vyatkos upėje žuvys gaudomos bet kokiu įrankiu. Pavyzdžiui:

  • žvejyba laiduose;
  • žvejyba spiningu;
  • muselinė žvejyba.

Fishing on this river is not always productive due to the frequent change of weather. In such conditions, the fish hides in deep holes, each time waiting for bad weather.

Žvejų atsiliepimai

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

The total number of reviews on the subject of fishing in the Kirov region is positive. Most anglers managed to find promising places and stay with the catch. This applies to both experienced anglers and beginner anglers.

It makes sense to read some reviews of anglers who spent time on the waters in the Kirov region:

  • “In the process of spinning fishing in the upper reaches of the Maloma River, it seemed that there were no fish in the river at all, but in the late afternoon a crazy bite began, which simply delighted.”
  • “Being a local fisherman, I have been fishing here since childhood, when my father taught me his craft. There are enough fish in the reservoirs, so there will be enough for my children, whom I help to find fishing spots and tell the intricacies of fishing.”
  • “Coming to paid reservoirs you get a lot of pleasure. The most important thing is that we managed to catch trout.”

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

This type of fishing appeared recently and is developing very intensively in our time. Today there are several fish farms that practice paid fishing:

  • Cordon Donuarovo is located in the Kilmez district. Represents a whole recreation center with built houses, where there are all amenities, along with three meals a day and other opportunities. You can fish here in any part of the reservoir. Fishing per day will cost one and a half thousand rubles per person.
  • Pine Village. Some local ponds breed carp and give anglers the opportunity to fish for 70 rubles a day, which is quite cheap. As for other services, you will have to pay for them separately.
  • Fishing in the village of Klyukovo. Trout are farmed here. Within the pond there is a house where you can spend the night. Large fish are caught here, and a small price (only 100 rubles) attracts many anglers, especially since trout is caught here.
  • In the direction of Swifts, turning towards Doronichi, you can get to paid reservoirs created artificially. For 50 rubles a day, you can catch any fish here.
  • Sanatorium “Vyatskiye Uvaly” There is a beautiful pond with carp here. For one kilogram of fish caught, you will have to pay 35 rubles. There are a lot of fish here, and the price is attractive.
  • Isakovsky Ponds. Fish such as perch, pike, carp are found here, so this place is very popular, both for local fishermen and for visiting fishing enthusiasts. Fishing prices can change and you can find out about them only by arriving at the reservoir.

Žvejybinis laukinis

Žvejyba Kirovo srities upėse ir Kirove, rezervuarų apžvalga

Žmonėms, kurie nemėgsta mokamos žvejybos Kirovo srityje, yra pakankamai vietos žvejoti be patogių sąlygų. Vyatkos upėje, kur pakanka įvairių žuvų, žvejoti galima ištisus metus. Upė turi švelnius krantus, todėl čia yra įprastas įėjimas. Nepaisant to, kad palei upės krantus yra daug kaimų, žuvys padidina jų populiaciją. Taip yra dėl to, kad gyventojai paliko kaimus ir nėra kam žvejoti. Todėl čia visada galite tikėtis rimto laimikio.

In summer, you can have a great rest here with the whole family. There are beautiful beaches along the banks of the Vyatka, and a normal entrance can provide comfortable conditions for recreation.

There are all conditions for fishing here. There are many, both deep areas and areas with driftwood, where fish prefer to be. The main catch is from the whitefish, which is caught on an ordinary float rod using standard baits.

Since few fish are caught here, the fish are not afraid of humans and come close to the shore. Therefore, the use of non-standard gear is not desirable at all.


Kirovo sritis yra labai įdomi vieta žvejams, kurie mėgsta tiek mokamą, tiek laukinę žvejybą įvairiuose vandens telkiniuose, kurių yra labai daug. Be to, Kirovo srities telkiniuose, kurių čia gausu, randama bet kokia žuvis, kuri gali užtikrinti sėkmingą žvejybą. Be to, čia galite atsipalaiduoti, mėgaudamiesi šių vietų gamta. Yra daug vietovių, kuriose galite atsipalaiduoti kaip laukinis, nes kaimai negyvenami, o gyvenimas čia praktiškai sustojo. Tačiau, kita vertus, atsirado sąlygos normaliam žuvų dauginimuisi, o tai reiškia žuvų išteklių papildymą.

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