Learn first aid procedures – continued

He was bitten by a viper

Sit him down or lay him down and call XNUMX. Above all, do not use a tourniquet!

He burned himself with boiling liquid

In the event of a slight burn (appearance of a small blister, the burnt area is less than half the palm of his hand): run lukewarm water for ten minutes on the injured part. Do not pierce the blister. Make a bandage and check if his tetanus vaccination is up to date. After a burn in an infant or child, medical advice is always necessary.

If the burn is more severe (more than half of the palm of the victim’s hand), run the body part under lukewarm water, lie your child down and call 15.

If the burn occurred through a piece of clothing made of natural fibers (cotton, linen, etc.), remove it (you can cut it) before putting the injured part under water. If the garment is made of synthetic fibers, do not remove it before placing the wound under water. These fibers melt and become embedded in the skin. Call emergencies. Then protect the burn with a clean cloth.

He burned himself with a chemical

Wash the affected part with plenty of water (lukewarm water) until help arrives. Avoid running the water on the healthy part of the body. Remove clothing when your child is under the water jet. Protect your hands with gloves.

In the event of toxic product splashing into the eye, rinse thoroughly until emergency services arrive.

He was burned by flames

If his clothes caught fire, cover him with a blanket or non-synthetic material and roll him on the ground. Don’t take off his clothes. Call for help.


He electrocuted himself

First of all, isolate your child from the power source by turning off the circuit breaker then move the electrical appliance away. Be careful, use a non-conductive object, such as a broom with a wooden handle. Contact emergency services.

Caution: Even if your child has received a small electric shock and has no visible traces, take him to the doctor. Electrical burns can cause internal injury.

He is choking

Can he breathe? Encourage him to cough, he may be able to expel the swallowed object. However, if he cannot breathe or cough, stand behind him and lean him forward slightly. And give 5 vigorous pats between his shoulder blades.

If the object has not been expelled: press its back against your abdomen, lean it forward a little. Put your fist in the pit of his stomach (between the navel and the breastbone). Place the other hand on your fist. And pull back and up with a frank movement.

If you cannot dislodge the swallowed object, call 15 and continue to practice these movements until help arrives.

He swallowed a toxic product

Call the SAMU or the poison control center in your area. Make him sit down. Keep the packaging of the absorbed product.

Actions to avoid: do not make him vomit, the wall of the esophagus has already been burned for the first time when absorbing the liquid. It will be a second time in case of vomiting.

Do not give him anything to drink (neither water nor milk…). This may drag the product away or cause a chemical reaction.

Where to follow first aid training?

The Fire Department and many associations (Red Cross, White Cross, etc.) offer training to learn life-saving skills. You will obtain a first aid training certificate (AFPS). Your child can register for it from the age of 10. The training lasts 10 hours and generally costs between 50 and 70 euros. To keep the right reflexes, updating is necessary each year.

Learn first aid while having fun!

The board game “Help” created by the National Association for Prevention and Rescue (ANPS) allows 6-12 year olds to acquire the basics of first aid. The principle: questions / answers on what to do in the event of accidents that may occur at home (burns, cuts, faintness, etc.).

For mail order: 18 euros (+ 7 euros postage)

From 5 years old: Saving gestures told to children

During the Easter holidays, a family of 3 children has to deal with a whole bunch of daily accidents (light cuts, burns, etc.). A small booklet to adopt first aid reflexes.

Saving gestures told to children, published by the National Association for Prevention and Rescue (ANPS), 1 euro (+ 1 euro for postage), 20 p.

Game and booklet to order from the ANPS association:

36 rue de la Figairasse

34070 Monpeljė

Telefonas. : 06 16 25 40 54

SAMU: 15

Šriftas: 17

Firefighters: 18

Europos pagalbos numeris: 112

Thanks to Marie-Dominique Monvoisin, president of the National Association for Prevention and Relief. 


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