magazine “Telesem” 15 years of the magazine “Telesem”

žurnalas „Telesem“ žurnalo „Telesem“ 15 metų

The Telesem magazine holds master classes in honor of its birthday!

15 metų žurnalui „Telesem“!

On June 11, handicraft master classes organized by the Telesem magazine took place at the site of the Kinomax cinema. In order to get to them, everyone had to find an advertisement in the new issue of “Telesem” about the competition, answer a simple question, call at the specified time and get the coveted invitation card.

Samara needlewomen: Ekaterina Sosina, Victoria Valieva and Mila Zavyalova – held four different master classes in different techniques.

The invited guests tried to make a toy in the shape of an owlet together with Ekaterina, under the strict guidance of Victoria they painted panels made of natural silk in various batik techniques, together with Mila and her assistant, they learned round leather weaving using a bracelet as an example, as well as leather decor using a pendant as an example.

In addition to exciting master classes, a drawing of prizes was held: three winners received tickets to the Kinomax cinema.

Kito konkurso sąlygų ieškokite naujame žurnalo numeryje!

Participate in the Telesem contests and have fun!

Read on: what to give your child for his birthday

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