Persikraustymas: kaip paruošti vaiką

Moving: How to calm my child’s worries

So choose simple, reassuring words to tell him: “We will soon be moving to another house, but don’t worry, mom and dad will still be there.” “

Moving: talk to your child about their new life

He must feel all the positive aspects of this event. Describe his new environment to him in concrete words: “You will have more room to play”, for example. You will be able to use his imagination on his new bedroom! By listening to his impressions and possible anxieties. Each child reacts differently to a move. This is why it is important to listen. Do not hesitate to ask him about his impressions. Perhaps there are misconceptions about his new life. He imagines that all the furniture will stay in your old apartment or that he will no longer have his toys on hand. Clearly, he is afraid of no longer finding the objects to which he is attached. So that he does not lose all his bearings, keep his old furniture, bed, nightlight etc. the break will be less painful.

Rėmėja Crédit Agricole

Nesvarbu, jauni ar seni, vaikai reikalauja daug susikaupimo ir maksimalaus budrumo! Norėdami jais pasirūpinti, jūs ir jūsų artimieji siūlo Crédit Agricole, veikianti NEXECUR PROTECTION vardu ir pavedimu. nuotolinio stebėjimo sprendimai kurie saugo jūsų namus. Paprasti ir keičiamo dydžio pasiūlymai, pateikiami dviem formulėmis, leidžiančiais stebėti savo namus ir išvengti įsibrovimų bei gaisrų... 

Su mūsų pradinė formulė (nuo 19,90 €), vartotojas pats iš savo išmaniojo telefono valdo signalizacijos suveikimą (netyčinius, klaidingus pavojaus signalus ar piktybinius įsilaužimus). Jei jis patvirtina perspėjimą, nuotolinio stebėjimo operatorius prisiima atsakomybę už įsibrovimą ir prireikus susisiekia su valdžios institucijomis. Jei vartotojas nepasiekiamas per 90 sekundžių, centrinis stebėjimo pultas automatiškai perima valdymą.

Integralinė formulė (29,90 €) siūlo namų apsaugą, kuri yra visiškai deleguota 24/24 stebėjimo centrai. Įsibrovus į jūsų namus operatoriai tiesiogiai pašalina abejones. Jei tai tikrai jūsų aplinkai svetimi žmonės, neturintys leidimo patekti į jūsų namus, žandarmerijos ar policijos tarnybos bus informuotos kuo greičiau. Abiejose formulėse taip pat yra prijungtas dūmų detektorius.

Norite stipriai apsaugoti save? Vos keliais paspaudimais atraskite jums tinkamiausią pasiūlymą ir gaukite asmeninį pasiūlymą.  

Daugiau informacijos: 

Paslaugą atlieka Nexecur Protection (sutartis pasirašyta užsakymu ir banko filialo vardu, pagal Nexecur Protection duotą įgaliojimą) SAS su 12 eurų kapitalu. Būstinė: 547, rue de Belle-Ile – 360 COULAINES. SIRENA 13 72190 799 RCS LE MANS. Įgaliojimas vykdyti CNAPS AUT-869-342-072-2118-05 „Įgaliojimas vykdyti nesuteikia jokių viešosios valdžios prerogatyvų įmonei ar asmenims, kurie iš to naudojasi“. „Ma Protection Maison“ pasiūlymas nėra APSAD R28 / R20190389180 / D81 sertifikuotas montavimo paslaugoms.

Moving: express your feelings to your child

For your child to experience this event as serenely as possible, the same must be done on your side! The best way is to express your feelings, so your child will feel reassured. Explain that you too are sad to leave this apartment, but that you are very happy to be entering your new home soon. A move is also an opportunity to evoke memories. Take this opportunity to talk to him about it.

Vaizdo įraše: persikraustymas: kokių veiksmų imtis?

Moving: help your child make his mark

If you can, take him to your new home, otherwise show him pictures. He will thus be able to get a more precise idea of ​​where he is going to live: his new room, the garden, etc. If your child changes schools or nurseries, it is better to show them around. He will be better prepared for the new life that awaits him.

Moving: involve your child in the preparations

So that he really understands that he is not going to leave behind all his favorite objects, you can suggest that he fill the boxes of toys himself. He will also be able to find them more easily as soon as he enters your new home.

Moving: consult your child for the decoration of his future room

Once installed in the new walls, consult your child about the decoration of his room. You can choose with him the little trinkets that will personalize his “territory”, such as photo frames, for example, or even wallpaper.

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