Ateina pavasaris: kaip „pabusti“ po žiemos

Winter always affects our health. We experience drowsiness, loss of energy, depression, emotional exhaustion. Most crises are exacerbated precisely during the transition from winter to spring. Proper nutrition will help you to get through this time less acutely.

Tired of sweets

Foods with a high sugar content lead to a breakdown and only briefly help you to perk up when blood sugar rises. After that, the pancreas produces insulin, and this causes its sudden decrease, which makes the person instantly feel tired and irritated. Eat vegetables, whole grains, fruits instead of sweets – they will gradually increase blood sugar levels and give you a boost of vivacity for a long time.

Magnio trūkumas

Magnesium is essential for the production of ATP in the body, which acts as an energy source for all biochemical processes. Often fatigue and lack of energy are associated precisely with a lack of magnesium, which is abundant in nuts, whole grains, leafy vegetables, cabbage, and spinach.

Iron Dificit

Iron is responsible for the supply of oxygen to all tissues and organs of our body. If iron in the body is critically lacking, a person begins to feel fatigue and depression, shortness of breath appears, the skin turns pale, the heart begins to beat faster, and chronic tachycardia develops. Long-term deficiency of this element affects the functioning of the brain, the ability of the immune system to defend itself against infections. Iron is found in red meat, liver, dark leafy and green vegetables, legumes, egg yolks, dried fruits, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, and chickpeas.

Vitaminas B

This group of vitamins is needed to generate energy, support the nervous system, and stabilize hormone levels. B vitamins are needed for the release of energy from food, good circulation and support for the immune system. B-vitamins are found in broccoli, avocado, lentils, almonds, eggs, cheese, and seeds.

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