The development of a child’s speech in the first year of his life

It is surprising that both hearing and vision of newborns are well developed from the very first days of their life. Even when something falls, the child reacts loudly with his cry to this external stimulus. Pediatricians recommend offering the little one to consider a variety of objects. This will contribute to the fact that after a week and a half he will closely follow with his gaze the movement of any object or toy. Above the child’s sleeping place, you need to hang sonorous toys, because touching them with a handle or a leg, he will develop his attention. One simple truth must be remembered: “With observation comes knowledge.” Play more with your baby, let him feel your immeasurable love.


Starting from the month of the baby’s life, it is already necessary to talk, the tone should be calm, affectionate, so that it interests him. At the age of one to two months, it is not what you say that matters, but with what gestures and emotions you do it.

A child begins to examine toys more attentively from the age of two months. It is necessary to name him the objects on which he holds his gaze for a long time in order to gradually acquaint him with the outside world. Immediately after the baby pronounces a sound, you need not hesitate to answer, so you will stimulate the child to pronounce something else.


At three months, the child has already completed the formation of vision. During this period, children smile back at you, they manage to laugh loudly and cheerfully. The kid already knows how to hold the head, which means that the area of ​​his view increases. Children become mobile, respond perfectly to the voice, turn over independently from side to side. Do not forget during this period also to show the child various objects, name them, let them touch. You need to name not only objects, but also your various movements and movements of the baby. Play hide and seek with him, let him hear you but not see you, or vice versa. This way you can leave the child for a while, being at the other end of the room or at home, and the child will not cry just because he hears your voice and knows that you are somewhere nearby. Toys for children of this age should be bright, simple and, of course, safe for his health. It is not recommended to use several objects at the same time in the game with the child, so he will get confused and this will not bring any positive result in the cognition and development of his speech.

Four months of age is ideal for speech development exercises. The simplest ones can be demonstrations of the language, chorus of different sounds, etc., give the child the opportunity to repeat these exercises after you. Many mothers forbid to touch their favorite toys with their mouths, but you should know that this is an important stage in learning about the environment. Just watch carefully so that the baby does not swallow any small part. When talking, you need to highlight intonation, avoid monotony in the voice.

From the age of five months, the child can turn on music, he will really like this new external stimulus. Buy him more musical and talking toys. Move the toy away from the child, encouraging this to crawl to it.

At six months, the baby begins to repeat the syllables. Talk to him more so that he repeats individual words after you. During this period, children are very interested in those toys that can be laid out, changed, etc. Teach your baby to choose a toy on his own, to be alone.

From seven to eight months of life, children do not drop toys, as it was before, but purposely throw them, or knock them loudly. At this age, you need to talk to them in simple and understandable words so that the child can repeat. Household items are also useful: lids, plastic and iron jars, cups. Be sure to show your baby the sounds that occur when these things are tapped.


Starting from eight months, the child responds with pleasure to your requests to get up, give a pen. Try to have your child repeat certain movements after you. For the development of speech, it is advised to use turntables, scraps of cloth and paper that need to be blown away.

At the age of nine months, the child should be offered to play with a new type of toys – pyramids, nesting dolls. Still not superfluous will be such an object as a mirror. Put the baby in front of him, let him carefully examine himself, show his nose, eyes, ears, and then find these body parts from his toy.

A ten-month-old child is quite capable of beginning to pronounce entire words on his own. But if this did not happen, do not be discouraged, this is an individual quality, for each child this happens at different stages. Try to gradually explain to the child what is allowed and what is not. You can play the game “Find an object” – you name the toy, and the baby finds it and distinguishes it from everyone else.


From eleven months to a year, the child continues to get acquainted with the world around him. All adults should help him in this. Ask your child more what he sees and hears.

The development of speech in a child of the first year of life requires a lot of strength, energy and attention from the parents, but the end justifies the means. After a year, your baby will more and more confidently start speaking simple words, repeating after adults. We wish you good luck and pleasant results.

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