Ketvirtoji banga įsibėgėja, bet lenkai infekcijos nebijo [SONDAŻ]
Koronavirusas Ką reikia žinoti Koronavirusas Lenkijoje Koronavirusas Europoje Koronavirusas pasaulyje Vadovas Žemėlapis Dažniausiai užduodami klausimai #Pakalbėkime apie

Despite the increase in coronavirus infections, recently, nearly half of Poles are not afraid of being infected, according to the latest data from the research agency Inquiry. The survey also checked the mood in society regarding the development of the pandemic in the coming months.

  1. A week ago, 36 percent Poles declared fear of contracting the coronavirus, currently the result is slightly higher and amounts to 39%.
  2. On the other hand, the percentage of people who directly indicate that they are not afraid of infection is currently 44 percent. – in the previous week, the result was clearly higher and amounted to 49%.
  3. 30 procentų neskiepytų lenkų pareiškė norą skiepytis – šis rezultatas 3 procentiniais punktais didesnis nei praėjusią savaitę.
  4. Daugiau tokių istorijų galite rasti „TvoiLokony“ pagrindiniame puslapyje

Skiepai nuo COVID-19. Kiek lenkų nori pasiskiepyti?

Currently, only 30 percent. people who are not yet vaccinated declare that they want to take advantage of the COVID-19 vaccine (“definitely yes” and “probably yes” responses combined), an increase of 3 percentage points compared to the previous measurement.

At the same time, the percentage of people who explicitly declare that they do not intend to get vaccinated remained at the same high level – currently such answers (“definitely not” or “rather not” in the question about the intention to use vaccines) are given by 50% of respondents. respondents, which is exactly the same as last week.

Taking into account only people who have not yet been vaccinated, the lowest level of willingness to use the vaccine is observed among people aged 18-24 – among this group only every fifth respondent declares their intention to get vaccinated. People in the next age group 25-34 years are characterized by a slightly higher willingness to get vaccinated (28%), and the result is almost the same among people aged 35-44 (27%). People over 45 who are not yet vaccinated are most likely to receive the vaccine – 38 percent people in this group declare such intention.

Koronavirusas: ko lenkai tikisi rudenį?

Opinions in society about the development of the coronavirus pandemic in the coming months vary. 69 percent Poles predict that we will experience another wave of the disease in the fall – every tenth person expects that it will be the heaviest wave of the previous ones, 31% believes that it will be similar to the latest wave of disease, and 28 percent. believes it will be much milder. Only 8 percent. people believe that there will be no next wave. The remaining people (as much as 23%) do not know what to expect.

Uncertain about the development of a pandemic are more often women (29% “don’t know” answers) than men (16%). In turn, the oldest people (55+) predict twice as often that the youngest people (18-24 years old) that we will face the toughest wave of the previous ones (12% vs. 6%), but in both groups the answers indicate a similar course of the next wave to the previous one.

FFP2 filtruojančių kaukių rinkinį už patrauklią kainą galite įsigyti adresu

Apie tyrimą

Apklausa buvo atlikta nuo 21 m. gruodžio 2020 d., naudojant reprezentatyvią suaugusių lenkų imtį, naudojant CAWI metodą, maždaug kas savaitę. 700 žmonių (internetinė apklausa YouGov skydelyje).

O Paklausa

Inquiry yra Lenkijos rinkos tyrimų agentūra. Nuo 2019 metų Inquiry bendradarbiauja su tarptautine įmone YouGov, būdama išskirtine jos atstove Lenkijoje.

Tai gali jus sudominti:

  1. Tabletė sumažina mirties riziką. Naujasis vaistas nuo COVID-19 yra proveržis?
  2. Ar COVID-19 vakcinos gali būti užkrečiamos? „Atradimai yra patikimi“
  3. Lenkijos virusologas pateikia duomenis iš Izraelio. Taip veikia trečioji dozė

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