Dažniausios autoimuninės ligos

Dažniausios autoimuninės ligos

In the case of an autoimmune disease, the immune system fights its own cells because it mistakenly views them as enemies. These diseases, which affect 3 to 5% of French people, develop chronically throughout life, with phases of relapses and remissions. Focus on the most common autoimmune diseases.

1 tipo diabetas

Le Įveskite 1 diabetu affects 5-10% of all diabetes cases. It usually appears during childhood or adolescence.

Žmonės, sergantys 1 tipo cukriniu diabetu produce little or no insulin due to an autoimmune reaction which destroys the beta cells of the pancreas, which have the role of synthesizing insulin, which is essential for the body’s use of blood glucose. It is still unknown what exactly causes the immune system to react to beta cells.

Kokie simptomai?

The symptoms of type 1 diabetes are:

  • Excessive elimination of urine;
  • Padidėjęs troškulys ir alkis;
  • Didelis nuovargis;
  • Svorio metimas;
  • Neryškus matymas.

It is absolutely necessary that type 1 diabetics take insulin regularly.

To find out more, see our fact sheet: Type 1 diabetes

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