Storosios žarnos vėžio gydymas

Storosios žarnos vėžio gydymas

Tipas gydymas administered depends on the stage of development of the Vėžys. The earlier cancer is detected in its development, the better the results.


Surgery is the main treatment. It consists of removing the affected part of the dvitaškis or tiesiojoje žarnoje, as well as some healthy tissue around the tumor. If the tumor is at an early stage, for example at the polyp stage, it is possible to simply remove these polyps during a period of kolonoskopija.

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Jei tu Vėžys touched the rectum and much of the tissue had to be removed, a kolostomija. This involves creating an artificial anus through a new opening in the abdomen. The faeces are then evacuated in an adhesive pocket located on the outside of the body.

Preventive surgeries are sometimes performed in people at high risk of gaubtinės ir tiesiosios žarnos vėžys.

Radioterapija ir chemoterapija

These treatments are often necessary to eradicate the vėžinės ląstelės that have already migrated into the lymph nodes or elsewhere in the body. They are most often administered as adjuvant treatments, and are sometimes given as a palliative treatment.

La radioterapija uses different sources of powerful ionizing rays directed at the tumor. It is used before or after surgery, as the case may be. It can cause diarrhea, rectal bleeding, fatigue, loss of appetite, and nausea.

La chemoterapija consists of administering, by injection or in the form of tablets, toxic chemical agents. It can cause several side effects, such as fatigue, nausea, and hair loss.


Medicines that limit the proliferation of vėžinės ląstelės are sometimes used, alone or in addition to other treatments. Bevacizumab (Avastin®), for example, limits tumor growth by preventing new blood vessels from forming inside the tumor. It is indicated when the Vėžys is metastatic.

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