Endometriozė, fibromos, uždegimai: kaip ir kodėl vystosi „moteriškos“ ligos

Chinese medicine experts believe that everything in the body is interconnected: diseases are directly related to the emotional state. In particular, purely «female» diseases have both structural and emotional causes. If you act on two fronts at once: to normalize both the blood supply and the emotional background, then you will be able to cope with problems in the field of gynecology much faster and more efficiently.

According to Chinese doctors, the global cause of most «female» diseases — chronic inflammation, fibroids, endometriosis, cysts, and so on — is congestion in the pelvic area. What does it mean?

Sutrikusi kraujo ir energijos apytaka

In Chinese medicine, it is believed that our organs and systems operate on a certain fuel — qi energy. It is carried with blood and literally «charges» tissues, makes them «alive», strong, filled. A similar idea can be found in Western medicine: according to WHO reports, all diseases at the tissue level are somehow related to circulatory stagnation.

If the tissues of the organs are well supplied with blood, they receive the necessary energy and work at 100%. But with stagnation in the pelvic area, various bacterial infections begin to develop and tissues grow — fibroids, cysts, polyps, endometriosis appear.

Lygiagrečiai su ligos gydymu būtina normalizuoti dubens organų aprūpinimą krauju

Such diseases are treated in different ways, the doctor prescribes the method. However, even after proper treatment, some of them — for example, vaginitis — can regularly return. It is worth being overcooled or even just nervous, as the inflammation worsens again. Because the cause of its development has not been eliminated: stagnation of blood in the pelvic area.

Todėl lygiagrečiai su ligos gydymu būtina normalizuoti dubens organų aprūpinimą krauju. Tai atliekama dviem etapais.

1. Dubens dugno, pilvo, apatinės nugaros dalies raumenų atpalaidavimas — all the muscles surrounding the problem area. As soon as the usual tensions in this area are eliminated, the muscles stop pinching the capillaries, microcirculation improves and local metabolic processes normalize.

Kaip rasti ir atsipalaiduoti per daugelį metų susidariusias įtampas, kurios jau nustojo jaustis? Tam puikiai tinka osteopatinės procedūros ir kvėpavimo pratimai, apimantys pilvą ir dubens dugną.

One of the areas of such relaxing gymnastics is female Taoist practices: in addition to the muscles described above, they involve the abdominal diaphragm, make its movement more amplitude, which means that it, like a pump, also begins to actively participate in organizing the outflow of blood from the pelvic area — and there, where there is a good outflow, a good inflow is also guaranteed.

2. Judėjimas — in order for the blood to actively circulate throughout the body, adequate cardio load is necessary for the age and condition. If you know women’s Taoist practices, you do not need special exercises for circulation: with the help of practices, you provide both relaxation and normalization of metabolic processes. If there are no special female exercises in the arsenal, you should add walking, jogging, dancing to your schedule, and all this against the background of regular osteopathic work to harmonize muscle tone.

Psichologinis aspektas

What emotions are associated with pelvic pain? To begin with, any experience contributes to the formation of quite real physical stresses. And what area in the body tenses the most in response to fear, excitement, anxiety? That’s right — the pelvic floor area.

Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that literally every stressful situation and the emotions experienced about it contribute to the development of «female» diseases. And since we cannot stop worrying, it is important to learn how to relax the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe abdomen and pelvis so that tension does not remain in the body.

Kalbant apie konkrečius išgyvenimus, tokios emocijos kaip susierzinimas, savo nereikalingumo jausmas, nepasitikėjimas savimi yra siejamos su „moteriškomis“ ligomis. Jų priešingybė – savo moteriškumo, patrauklumo, seksualumo, pasitikėjimo savimi ir savo moteriškomis jėgomis jausmas. Kuo moteris sveikesnė, tuo dažniau ji jaučiasi mylima, graži, geidžiama, tuo lengviau atstatyti net sukrėtusią moters sveikatą.

Send comments to «spam» that something is wrong in your appearance, behavior, life

Todėl labai svarbu atkreipti dėmesį į psichologinį foną.

  • Send in «spam» any comments that something is wrong in your appearance, behavior, life. If there is no way to «filter» such statements, at least for the duration of treatment, refuse to communicate with people who develop insecurity in you.
  • Atkreipkite dėmesį į savo patrauklumą ir seksualumą. Tai, kas yra mūsų dėmesio centre, auga, daugėja, dauginasi. Nustatykite valandinį skambėjimą ir jį išgirdę užduokite sau klausimą: kas mano kūne man sako, kad esu seksuali ir moteriška? Nereikia sugalvoti atsakymo: tiesiog užduokite klausimą, keletą sekundžių įsiklausykite į savo kūno pojūčius ir grįžkite prie aktualijų.

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