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No current variant of the coronavirus has spread as fast as Omikron, World Health Organization (WHO) secretary general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Tuesday. In his opinion, this variant is already available in all countries in the world.

«77 countries have reported Omicron infections so far, but the reality is that this variant could possibly be found in most countries of the world, even though it has not yet been detected there. The Omicron is spreading at a pace we haven’t seen with any other variant»- said Tedros at the online press conference in Geneva.

However, Tedros stressed that according to the new evidence, there was only a slight decrease in the effectiveness of vaccines against severe COVID-19 symptoms and deaths caused by Omikron. There has also been a slight decrease in vaccine prevention of mild disease symptoms or infections, according to the head of WHO.

“The advent of the Omikron variant has prompted some countries to introduce adult-wide booster programs, even if we lack evidence that the third dose produces greater protection against this variant,” said Tedros.

  1. They are driving the wave of Omicron infections. They are young, healthy, vaccinated

The head of the WHO expressed concern that such programs would lead to the re-stocking of vaccines, as has already happened this year, and increase inequality in access to them. «I make it clear: WHO is not against booster doses. We are against inequality in access to vaccines »stressed Tedros.

“It is clear that as immunization progresses, booster doses may play an important role, especially for those at highest risk of developing severe disease symptoms,” Tedros stressed. – It’s a matter of prioritizing, and the order matters. Booster doses to groups at low risk of severe illness or death simply endanger the lives of high-risk people who are still waiting for their basal doses due to supply constraints ».

  1. Omicron puola paskiepytas. Kokie simptomai?

«On the other hand, giving extra doses to high-risk people may save more lives than giving basic doses to low-risk people.»Stressed Tedros.

The head of the WHO also appealed not to underestimate the Omikron, although there is no evidence that it is more dangerous than the currently dominant Delta variant in the world. «We are concerned that people perceive it as a mild variant. We underestimate this virus at our own risk. Even if Omikron causes a less severe disease, the sheer number of infections could paralyze unprepared healthcare systems again, ‘said Tedros.

He also warned that vaccines alone would prevent any country from emerging from the epidemic crisis and called for the continued use of all existing anti-covid tools, such as wearing face masks, regular indoor ventilation, and respect for social distancing. «Do it all. Do it consistently and do it well »- exhorted the head of the WHO.

Ar norite pasitikrinti savo imunitetą COVID-19 po vakcinacijos? Ar užsikrėtėte ir norite patikrinti savo antikūnų kiekį? Peržiūrėkite COVID-19 imuniteto testo paketą, kurį atliksite Diagnostikos tinklo taškuose.

Skaitykite taip pat:

  1. Jungtinė Karalystė: „Omikron“ atsakinga už daugiau nei 20 proc. naujų infekcijų
  2. Kokie yra Omikron simptomai vaikams? Jie gali būti neįprasti
  3. Kas laukia COVID-19 pandemijos? Ministras Niedzielskis: prognozės nėra optimistinės

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