Filmas „Major Payne“

Major Payne knows how to influence emotions. Do you also know such stories?

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​​​​​​​This task is more difficult, but for a professionally trained person it is quite real. An experienced manager knows how to manage the emotions of employees, a competent negotiator creates the right emotional atmosphere at the meeting, a skilled salesperson creates the right mood for the customer, and when you come to a birthday or a holiday, everyone makes sure that everyone around them has the most festive mood … Yes ? All things are familiar, you just need to be able to.

Filmas „Likvidavimas“

Ši nuoširdi emocija yra visiškai kontroliuojama ir išsprendžia problemą. Pyktis padės išmušti informaciją, o tai reiškia, kad bus įniršis.

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And do not pretend that you do not know how and never do it. Were you a small child? Did you cry to your parents to make them feel sorry for you? Did you show them your fatigue when you wanted them to carry you on the handles? These simple things, familiar to everyone from childhood, are already managing the emotions of other people.

Let’s remember the basic rules:

A sharp rise in the emotional tone scale usually does not work, and the positive, which contrasts too much with the state of the interlocutors, can be very annoying. A gradual rise from minus to plus works better, so the main rule is to move in small steps, gradually.

Change space. When a person is stuck in the wrong state, it is easier to move him out of there, physically move him to the side at least half a meter, or even just turn his face in the other direction. The picture in front of him changes — his state also changes more easily.

However, it is probably more accurate to speak here not about management, but only about the impact on the emotions and feelings of others. And if you call a spade a spade, this is primarily a topic of manipulation between people. Well, a great topic, especially since we will be primarily interested in positive manipulations!

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