Pacientai po COVID-19 gali patirti psichikos sutrikimų
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Vykdydama savo misiją, MedTvoiLokony redakcinė kolegija deda visas pastangas, kad pateiktų patikimą medicininį turinį, paremtą naujausiomis mokslo žiniomis. Papildoma žyma „Patikrintas turinys“ rodo, kad straipsnį peržiūrėjo arba tiesiogiai parašė gydytojas. Šis dviejų etapų patikrinimas: medicinos žurnalistas ir gydytojas leidžia mums pateikti aukščiausios kokybės turinį, atitinkantį dabartines medicinos žinias.

Mūsų įsipareigojimą šioje srityje, be kita ko, įvertino Žurnalistų už sveikatą asociacija, „MedTvoiLokony“ redakcinei kolegijai suteikusi garbingą „Didžiojo pedagogo“ vardą.

Scientists are still discovering the long-term effects of COVID-19. More and more information concerns the work of the brain and nervous system. According to psychiatrists, people who have contracted COVID-19 are more likely to develop mental disorders. These are disturbing reports.

  1. More and more studies show that COVID-19 affects the work of the brain and may increase the risk of mental disorders in people who have contracted the infection
  2. 1 in 5 people after contracting COVID-19 have developed disorders such as anxiety, depression or insomnia
  3. Daugiau atnaujintos informacijos TvoiLokony pagrindiniame puslapyje

Mental disorders in patients after COVID-19

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus not only affects the respiratory tract, but also affects other organs in our body. More and more studies show that it can affect the work of our brain. Scientists studied people who contracted COVID-19 and found that some of them had mental health problems. The most frequently mentioned were anxiety, depression and insomnia. The researchers also found that these patients were also more likely to develop dementia.

Taip pat žiūrėkite: COVID-19 pagreitina smegenų senėjimą?

“People are concerned that people who have had COVID-19 will be at greater risk of mental health problems, and our findings … show that it is likely,” said Paul Harrison, professor of psychiatry at the University of Oxford.

According to the psychiatrist, health services must be ready to provide care to COVID-19 patients who develop mental health problems, especially as the results of the study may be underestimated.

Ar esate užsikrėtę koronavirusu ar kažkas iš jūsų artimųjų yra užsikrėtęs COVID-19? O gal dirbate sveikatos tarnyboje? Ar norėtumėte pasidalinti savo istorija arba pranešti apie bet kokius pažeidimus, kuriuos matėte ar paveikėte? Rašykite mums adresu: [E-pašto apsaugą]. Garantuojame anonimiškumą!

Anxiety, depression and insomnia after developing COVID-19

Scientists analyzed the health cards of 69 million people in the United States, including more than 62. with confirmed COVID-19. Within three months of testing positive for COVID-19, 1 in 5 survivors are first diagnosed with disorders such as anxiety, depression or insomnia. The study was published in the journal “The Lancet Psychiatry”.

Interestingly, researchers also found that people diagnosed with mental disorders are 65 percent. more likely to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus than people without the disorder.

Mental health experts who were not involved in the study said these findings are yet another confirmation that COVID-19 affects the work of the brain and may contribute to an increased risk of a number of mental disorders.

“This is likely due to a combination of the psychological stressors associated with this particular pandemic and the physical effects of the disease,” said Michael Bloomfield, consultant psychiatrist at University College London.

Simon Wessely, professor of psychiatry at King’s College London, said the finding that people with mental health disorders are more susceptible to contracting SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus supports what previous research has shown.

«COVID-19 affects the central nervous system, so it can exacerbate further disorders. Research confirms that this is not all, and that the risk is increased by previous poor health, »added Wessely.

Redakcinė kolegija rekomenduoja:

  1. Nustatytas naujas ankstyvas COVID-19 simptomas. Gali trukdyti
  2. Mokslininkai ištyrė nuo COVID-19 mirusių žmonių plaučius. Kaip paaiškėjo?
  3. Nedideli genų variantai gali turėti įtakos COVID-19 sunkumui

MedTvoiLokony svetainės turinys skirtas pagerinti, o ne pakeisti Svetainės Vartotojo ir jo gydytojo kontaktą. Svetainė skirta tik informaciniams ir edukaciniams tikslams. Prieš vadovaudamiesi specialiomis žiniomis, ypač medicininėmis žiniomis, esančiomis mūsų svetainėje, turite pasikonsultuoti su gydytoju. Administratorius neprisiima jokių pasekmių, kylančių dėl Svetainėje esančios informacijos naudojimo. Ar jums reikia gydytojo konsultacijos ar el. recepto? Eikite į, kur gausite pagalbą internetu – greitai, saugiai ir neišeidami iš namų.

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