„Lietinga diena Niujorke“: apie neurotikus ir žmones

As you know, no matter what scientists work on, they still get weapons. And no matter what Woody Allen shoots, he — for the most part — still gets a story about himself: a rushing and reflective neurotic. The new film, which has not yet been released in the United States due to allegations of harassment, which was again put forward by the director’s adopted daughter, was no exception.

Su visu noru ignoruoti skandalą yra sunku ir tikriausiai nebūtina. Greičiau tai yra proga apsispręsti dėl pozicijos ir prisijungti prie boikoto šalininkų arba jo priešininkų. Atrodo, kad abu požiūriai turi teisę egzistuoti: viena vertus, kai kurie veiksmai tikrai neturėtų likti nenubausti, kita vertus, kinas vis dar yra kolektyvinės kūrybos produktas ir ar verta bausti kitus įgulos nariai yra didelis klausimas. (Kitas dalykas yra tai, kad kai kurios filme vaidinusios žvaigždės paaukojo savo honorarus #TimesUp judėjimui ir labdaros tikslams.)

However, the whole situation around the film with its plot does not echo in any way. A Rainy Day in New York is another Woody Allen film, in a good and bad sense of the word at the same time. Melancholy, ironic, nervous, with characters confused and lost — despite the general arrangement and social well-being — heroes; timeless, which is why smartphone ringtones ripping open the canvas are so annoying. But they also remind that Allen’s heroes have always been and are.

Šių herojų fone jautiesi besąlygiškai, kruopščiai, visiškai normaliai.

Grooms, on the eve of the wedding, are ready to abandon their beloved only because, with all her virtues, she has a terrible, unbearable laugh. Jealous husbands, tormented by suspicions, fair or not, do not matter). Directors are in a state of creative crisis, ready to grasp at any straw (especially young and attractive). Lovers, easily slipping into a maelstrom of betrayal. Eccentrics, stubbornly hiding from the present behind a curtain of old films, poker and piano music, mired in mental and verbal skirmishes with their mother (and, as you know, most often everything boils down to these conflicts — at least with Allen).

Ir svarbiausia, kad visų šių herojų fone jautiesi besąlygiškai, kruopščiai, visiškai normaliai. Ir vien dėl to filmą verta pažiūrėti.

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