Depresijos gydymas maistu

Essential fats

Let’s start the topic of food that can improve mood by talking about essential fatty acids, primarily the so-called omega-3… These healthy polyunsaturated fats are found primarily in oily fish – salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines and fresh tuna.

According to scientists, low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are observed in people prone to depression. Special nutritional supplements help to correct it, and with it the mood. Omega-3s are capable of correcting imbalances in certain substances in the brain. We are talking about providing the transfer of information between nerve cells and affecting mood. To some extent, some omega-3s can be compared to antidepressants. However, for people who have never suffered from depression, omega-3s also help to avoid a bad mood. And this is another reason to include more fatty fish in your diet, which is already popular – because of its ability to prevent cardiovascular disease. To achieve the effect, you need to consume from 1 to 9,6 grams of omega-3 per day, which, by the way, is quite a lot: an average of 200 grams of fish contains 6,5 grams of fatty acids.


Don’t you like fish? Then get healthy fatty acids from plant sources (although they are less absorbed). Try it flax-seed (it can be added to muesli, yogurt or salad), flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds and walnuts… Finally, there is the option of fish oil supplements.


Lėtas kuras

If you skip lunch and feel yourself starting to suck in the stomach, and your strength is waning, do not prolong this state – otherwise your mood will soon subside.

It is important for mental balance to keep your blood sugar at a stable level. One way is to take regular meals with a low glycemic index containing slow-breaking carbohydrates… Among such products whole grain bread and cereal, brown pasta, brown rice, beans and lentils… Proteins and fats also help slow the absorption of carbohydrates and thus lower the glycemic index of food. Fiber does the same, so don’t forget fruits and vegetables.

Sometimes a sweet bar, a piece of chocolate or just sweet tea helps to cheer up and cheer up. The secret is simple: sugar is fast-digesting carbohydratewhich stimulates the production of serotonin, which is responsible for improving mood. But this effect quickly wears off, and you again experience a lack of energy and a feeling of hunger. Therefore, it is better to snack on something that will provide you with energy for a long time. This can be dry oatmeal cookies or oatmeal cracker with low-fat soft cheese or a spoonful of honey.

Intense, hard diets are another enemy of good mood. Restrictions on food and calories will make you suffer from a lack of loved ones, and often vital foods. Hence – depression and just a bad mood (and this is confirmed by research). Therefore, it is better not to give up normal milk and not switch to low-fat foods. It is much more effective to draw up a gradual weight loss plan in combination with physical activity.

Lack of vitamins and minerals is another blow to mood, especially when it comes to vitamin C, B vitamins (primarily folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, which are found in meat, liver, eggs and dairy products), zinc and selenium. You can normalize their levels with a balanced diet or taking vitamins and minerals in tablets. Pork contains a lot of zinc, selenium and B vitamins. Cashew nuts are rich in zinc and selenium.


Laimės chemija

An even good mood is in many ways just chemistry, the result of neurotransmitters working in the brain. One of the main ones among them – serotonino, a low level of which is associated with depression. Many antidepressants work specifically to increase serotonin levels. But this can be achieved in a more natural way. Studies show that the dietary amino acid tryptophan is also used by the brain to make serotonin, helping a person control their mood and gain more self-confidence. triptofanas found in lean meats, especially turkey, milk, eggs, and legumes (beans and lentils).


Alcohol is not an option!  In a state of stress or depression, people often turn to alcoholic beverages, hoping to use them to overcome the depressed mood. Alcohol relieves feelings of anxiety and briefly gives a feeling of lightness, but it also provokes manifestations of depression and disrupts blood sugar levels. We are not encouraging you to skip wine at dinner or cocktails at a friendly party. But if with the help of alcohol you expect to forget about all the troubles, most likely you are mistaken.


Riebi žuvis – omega-3 fatty acids

Linų sėklos - omega-3

Brazil nuts and almonds – omega-3, vitamin E, selenium

Pilno grūdo – low glycemic index, B vitamins, selenium

Avižos – low glycemic index, stabilizes blood sugar

Pupelės ir lęšiai – tryptophan and protein

Cabbage and spinach – folic acid

Kiwi, strawberry, black currant and citrus – cellulose

Liesa mėsa – tryptophan, B vitamins and protein

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