Cancer interest sites and support groups

Cancer interest sites and support groups

Norėdami sužinoti daugiau apie Vėžys, Passeportsanté.net offers a selection of associations and government sites dealing with the subject of cancer. You will be able to find there Papildoma informacija ir susisiekite su bendruomenėmis arba palaikymo grupės leidžia daugiau sužinoti apie ligą.


Kvebeko vėžio fondas

Created in 1979 by doctors who wanted to restore importance to the human dimension of the disease, this foundation offers several services to people with cancer. The services offered vary by region. For example, low-cost accommodation for people with Alzheimer’s disease and their loved ones, massage therapy, beauty treatments or Qigong.

Kanados vėžio draugija

In addition to encouraging cancer research and prevention, this voluntary organization has provided emotional and material support to people with cancer since its inception in 1938. Each province has its own local office. Their telephone information service, intended for people with cancer, their loved ones, the general public and health professionals, is bilingual and free. The reference to find answers to your questions about cancer.

Visoje tiesoje

A series of online videos featuring touching testimonials from patients who express their experiences during their overall cancer experience. Some are in English but full transcriptions are available for all videos.

Kvebeko vyriausybės sveikatos vadovas

Norėdami sužinoti daugiau apie vaistus: kaip juos vartoti, kokios yra kontraindikacijos ir galimas sąveika ir kt.


Created by the late Dr David Servan-Schreiber, psychiatrist and author, this website emphasizes the importance of adopting good lifestyle habits to prevent cancer. It is intended to be a place of information and discussion on unconventional approaches to fight or prevent cancer, where we can also find emotional support from other people.

Nacionalinio vėžio instituto

It includes, among other things, a complete directory of patient associations across France, an animation of the mechanisms that lead a cell to become cancerous, and answers to frequently asked questions about participating in a clinical trial.


Memorialinis Sloan-Kettering vėžio centras

This center, linked to Memorial Hospital in New York, is a pioneer in cancer research. It represents, among other things, a benchmark for an integrated approach against cancer. There is a database on their site that evaluates the effectiveness of several herbs, vitamins and supplements.

Moss ataskaita

Ralph Moss yra pripažintas autorius ir pranešėjas vėžio gydymo srityje. Jis ypatingą dėmesį skiria mūsų aplinkoje esančių toksinų, galinčių prisidėti prie vėžio, pašalinimui. Jo savaitiniai biuleteniai seka naujausias naujienas apie alternatyvius ir papildomus vėžio gydymo būdus bei medicininį gydymą.

Nacionalinis vėžio institutas ir Vėžio papildomosios ir alternatyviosios medicinos biuras

These sites provide an excellent overview of the state of clinical research on some 714 complementary approaches, including XNUMX-X, the Gonzalez diet, Laetrile and the Essiac formula. There is also a list of precautions to follow when purchasing products on the Internet.

tarptautiniu mastu

Tarptautinė tyrimų agentūra vėžio

Tarptautinė vėžio tyrimų agentūra (IARC) yra Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijos narė.

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