IVG: įvairūs metodai

THE,enMedikamentinis abortas must be carried out iki 5 nėštumo savaitės pabaigos. This method does not require hospitalization or anesthesia. It consists of taking tablets (Mifepristone) which will terminate the pregnancy, combined, 36 to 48 hours later, with another type of medicine (Misoprostol) which will allow the egg to be expelled. In 60% of cases, abortion will occur within 4 hours. In hospital service, you will be under surveillance for a few hours and then be able to go home and rest. After the first tablets, you may have some minor bleeding. The second cause more significant bleeding, sometimes for ten days, and pain as during menstruation. Do not hesitate to take the painkiller that will have been prescribed for you. 

If other symptoms occur (fever, malaise, persistent pain despite taking painkillers), contact your doctor. 


A check-up will take place between the 14th and 21st day after the abortion. Medicated abortion can take place in a private clinic, in a hospital or in a private doctor’s office.

What is surgical abortion?

La chirurginis metodas sudaro egg suction, preceded by gimdos kaklelio išsiplėtimas. Hospitalization of a few hours is sufficient, even if the abortion is performed under Bendroji nejautra. The intervention takes place in an operating theater. It lasts about ten minutes. You will be kept under surveillance for a few hours, then can go home accompanied. Before your release, a kontracepcijos metodas will be prescribed to you. In general, you will feel pain in the lower abdomen, such as period pain, and have some bleeding, which varies from woman to woman. The risk of failure of an aspiration abortion is very low (about 99,7% success rate). This intervention can only be done within a health establishment.

Norėdami pamatyti vaizdo įraše: Nėštumas po aborto, kokios pasekmės?

Vaizdo įraše: IVG

What disorders can occur after a surgical abortion?

Complications after abortion are rares. However, in the days following the abortion, you may have:

  • fever, with a temperature above 38 °,
  • significant blood loss,
  • stiprus pilvo skausmas,
  • a faintness.

It is then necessary to quickly contact the establishment where the intervention took place, it may be a complication. The control visit occurs between the 14th and 21st day after surgery. It makes it possible to ensure that there is no komplikacijos : gimdos infekcija arba ovular retention (fragments of pregnancy). During the check-up, the doctor will check that you have a contraceptive method suitable for your situation.


It is best to use a method that does not require vaginal manipulation during the first cycle after abortion. Your doctor will also suggest that you undergo a psychosocial interview.

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