
A mask, a disguise is not a completely natural behavior or facial expression that hides something undesirable for display.

Mask — protection from excessive communication and other mental influences. This is a departure from communication at the level of formal interaction with other people.

Each mask can correspond to a certain theme of thoughts; what the mask thinks about can be suggested by fixation of the gaze, body position, hand gestures.

Masks interfere with communication, but help pastime. If you want to understand people, give up most of your masks, of which more than half are outdated and are an additional burden in communication. Don’t be afraid to show your face, often people are so busy with their mask that they won’t see it anyway, don’t be afraid that someone will harm you if you practice this. The less masks involved in your behavior, the more natural and pleasant it is for others. In communication, try to help the interlocutor see the reflection of his mask, often this can significantly improve your relationship with him.

The mask hides the face.

The closer the mask is to the face, the more it looks like it.

The mask is the shape.

Two identical masks do not live side by side.

Masks define our roles, and our roles define our masks.

Surprise takes off the mask, and love takes it off.

You can open the mask for yourself by looking into her eyes.

Mask! Do I know you!

There are a lot of people, but few masks, so you can see your mask on another.

Every mask needs a mirror, but not every mirror needs a mask.

Masks are removed or changed.

It’s easier to see without a mask.

Who wants to change finds a remedy, and who does not want to find a reason.

The fewer masks, the more natural the behavior.

Collection of masks

Identifying and analyzing masks, roles, scenarios is a difficult and interesting thing. To begin with, a small list from the collection of masks. Try to continue it and describe each mask. Collection of masks: «Concerned», «Thinker», «Sage», «Merry», «Prince (Princess)», «Honored Pensioner», «Cool», «Lucky», «Pierrot», «Jester», «Good-natured» , «Poor Man», «Naive», «Vanguard», etc.

The name of the mask is often the same as the name of the role.

Asmeniniai vaidmenys ir kaukės

Kaukės sukausto ir slepia Aš, asmeniniai vaidmenys suteikia laisvės ir vystosi. Tuo pačiu metu įvaldymo procese beveik bet koks asmeninis vaidmuo kurį laiką virsta šiek tiek svetima ir trukdančia kauke, tik laikui bėgant tampa patogiu Aš įrankiu ar net natūralia jo dalimi. Žiūrėti →

From the Sinton website

A common craze in modern psychology is the advice to «become yourself.» Is it necessary to strive to seek the true self, or is it better to learn how to effectively use a set of masks? “The mask is an ambiguous thing. On the one hand, this is a lie. On the other hand, it is a necessity, — says Oleg Novikov. — Probably, it is important to distinguish between social, for example, service relations, and human, personal. A mask in society can be part of a ritual, a necessity. The mask in personal relationships can be part of the deception and the beginning of the war. I do not believe in a universal recipe in this area. The mask has unpleasant features. The mask sticks, the mask is often put on out of fear, and then they are afraid to take it off. The mask is often mistaken for their real face. But the mask is always poorer. And the face under it, sorry, sometimes deteriorates. By wearing it all the time, we lose ourselves a little… On the other hand, by removing the mask at the wrong time, we sometimes force people to see what they would not like to see. Sometimes we show what we would not like to show. In any case, there is no single answer. Discretion is required: both from the one who wears the mask, and from the one who deals with this person. “Any person, when he communicates with someone, he communicates from the position of some kind of image,” says Igor Nezovibatko. — I am a lot of different images. There are images that are adequate in a given situation, useful, and there are images that are inadequate — incorrectly applied, or taking away a lot of strength and energy from a person, or those that do not lead to the goal. For a more developed person, the set of images is more interesting and varied, and they are richer, more diverse, for a less developed person, it is less diverse, more primitive. Therefore, How long should they be opened or not? Rather, it is necessary to create the set of images that leads to the goal, does not take a lot of strength and energy, and does not exhaust a person. They are needed if they help to reach the goal.”

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