Symptoms of cold sores

Symptoms of cold sores

Symptoms of cold sores

First cold sore attack

  • Most of the time (90% of cases): jokių simptomų;
  • If there are symptoms, these are often pronounced, especially in the jaunas vaikas. lūpos ir visi lining of the mouth can be reached, to the point where the child may have sunku rijoti. Mes kalbame apie acute gingivostomia. Dažnai a didelis karščiavimas is present. Spontaneous healing of lesions may take up to 14 dienas.


Symptoms of cold sores: understand everything in 2 min

The recurrences correspond to the virus reactivation, which causes the appearance of a herpeso spuogas on the lip.

  • Recurrences are often preceded by the following symptoms: a dilgčiojimas, itching, burning, swelling, or numbness on the edges of the lips. a bendras diskomfortas (fatigue, fever) may occur;
  • From a few hours to 1 day later, a set of small raudonos pūslelės and painful appear. Filled with liquid, they eventually burst, then they form a crust.



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